From Nonviolent Cow

DiaryOfAWorm: Relationship

John, Marna, Bob, Dawn

The gathering today of the four us, presently involved with the DMZ garden, Marna, Dawn, John and myself, energized each of us and the DMZ garden. We discussed who would do what in contacting persons, what seeds to order and what we need to do next. Naturally our gathering was over a meal. The only home grown food was the salad greens from the GP box in the sunroom. What made the gathering most pleasant was not so much what we did, what we planned or even the meal we shared. What made the gathering good was the people present ranging from the young John, 36 to the soon to be near elder, myself. Having good friends is enjoyable and makes everything seem better.

In a garden how plants relate to the soil and to the weather is significant. A good relationship means a fruitful garden. A poor relationship, like the lack of rain or sun, makes for a poor garden. Sometimes outside forces, like insect in a garden, can invade and cause the garden to failed. However, once the outside force, like the insects, is dealt with naturally or not, the harmony of the garden resumes.

The same is true for persons. Good relationship with others makes for personal growth. Sometimes events may drive friends apart but once it is dealt with good relationships resume. Good relationship makes for good growth in a garden and in life.



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Page last modified on January 12, 2008, at 12:40 AM