From Nonviolent Cow

DiaryOfAWorm: Slow and Slow

Today was a slow day watching football on TV, playing some video games with my grandson, walking my grandchildren’s dog and of course eating. Except for the walk with the dog this is not the kind of slow that I am talking about when I say I need to slow down my life. Sitting around passively and inactive is not being slow in my terms. The long walk with the dog was the kind of healthy slow I am seeking. The air was fresh and I got a chance to fulfill one of my new year’s resolutions to walk or run each day. Worms also are slow in the good sense. They move silently and slowing but as they move they are constantly digesting the waste in the soil and casting it out as enriched soil The type of slow day that I had today left me fairly not motivated and uninspired. When I have a good slow day, doing some reading, writing, reflecting, working in the garden, being with friends, and praying I feel motivated and inspired. My observation today is that there are two kinds of slow. One like today is a noisy slow making for an uninspired posting. Tomorrow I need to reactivate myself and go for a silent, healthy, active and slow day.



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