From Nonviolent Cow

DiaryOfAWorm: Pass It On

Milwaukee Renaissance

I have been blessed with the knowledge of learning how to do Wiki web sites by Tegan Dowling and now it is my turn to pass on this knowledge to Marna of Mothers Against Gun Violence. I find that passing it on is just as difficult as learning it and requires more patience. But that is the thing about Wiki web sites like that of Milwaukee Renaissance and this one. The whole point of learning how to easily to do a web page is to pass on this knowledge and make it available to others. The power of the Wiki, like the power of Growing Power is that in its simplicity and ease to duplicate one can easily learn it and pass it on to someone else.

Talking about learning something and then passing it on to someone else, today my wife and I decided to team up my Growing Power skills and her children’s story telling skills and create a real entertainment event for children. We made a rough attempt last summer at one of her story times in the library. Now we are taking a more professional approach for a Resource Fair at our Church and hopefully for libraries and schools. She has the story telling skills and I know a thing or two about using Growing Power in a home model.

So Will Allen of Growing Power passes on some skills and knowledge to me and I, combining that with Wiki skills learned from Tegan, pass that information on to Marna and my wife who enhance it and pass it on to others.



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Page last modified on January 28, 2008, at 09:33 AM