From Nonviolent Cow

DiaryOfAWorm: Human Hero

Will, Human Hero

I remember, growing up, how disappointed I was when I discovered my heroes were human and had flaws. I particularly remember how I thought my novice master, when I was a member of the Society of Jesus, was the perfect Jesuit. I was so disappointed when I saw that he was a human and flawed. I eventually got over it and we were friends later in life. The same happened today with Will Allen of Growing Power. When he would not listen to our ideas on the use of Air and dismissed, in a nice way, my efforts to use the ways of growing power in a home model and in the DMZ, I was terribly frustrated. Will was my hero in the urban agriculture movement and to see him so closed-minded about experiences that I knew were effective was frustrating. It was probably very frustrating for him also and fortunately we departed friendlier than at the beginning.

John, my partner in the AIR project, had to work and was not present at the meeting. After we talked tonight we were more committed to demonstrating the effectiveness of this method. Marna and Dawn, my partners in the DMZ garden were present but were probably more frustrated at me than at Will for my persistence that layers of air are insulating factors and Will’s instance that we had no experience in Growing Power.

Although I do not like to admit it, I, like others, want persons, especially persons we respect and admire, to think good of our work and us. When they do not, as happened today, we can be disappointed, frustrated and stop or be disappointed, frustrated and move on. Will is still my hero but now my human hero. Like the worm, which Will introduced me to, it is time to cast off what we already have taken in and to move on to new food and energy. Thank you Will and may our paths cross many more times.



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