From Nonviolent Cow

DiaryOfAWorm: Mother God

Cosmic Mother God

We know that in God there is neither male nor female. However to talk about God, we often use human qualities. Most often these are male, like God the Father. However sometimes we talk about God in female terms, like Wisdom, Sophia, how she has been with God before the beginning of time or God’s love being like the unconditional love of mother. When we talk about God in creation, we often use the female tense. We talk about Mother Earth and Mother Nature. It is in the beauty and stillness of Mother Nature that often we can more easily find God. When I lived in Madison I remember one day, after walking through a beautiful park on a lake, being filled with the awe and beauty of Mother Nature. At that moment I felt close to God and felt like all of nature was struggling, like a mother, to bear new life. I felt like when we, like God in whose image we are created, can create, the world would end. This thought has stayed with me and is probably why I am so drawn by the growing power model of gardening. Somehow working in my garden at home or at the DMZ there is a sense of quiet and deep peace. It does not matter what you are doing, shoveling compost or planting seeds, there is a dark deep mystery in all of us and in nature that we call God, our Mother and Father.



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Page last modified on May 09, 2008, at 07:41 AM