From Nonviolent Cow

DiaryOfAWorm: Hope In Despair

Blowing in the Wind

Out of the rubble in Sadr city in Baghdad, Iraq a dead boy is risen up. The Iraqi boy’s family describes the fatal blast. The boy and others were killed by American missiles seeking to destroy Iraqi’s opposed to the American occupation.

American veterans describe in the “Winter Soldier Hearings” the horrors of the Iraq war they experienced.

An earthquake strikes China leaving over 10,000 dead. Thousands continue to suffer and die from a cyclone in Burma because the government will not allow in sufficient aid.

Another victim of a senseless homicide dies Sunday on the very spot where many years ago the first accredited high school, Independent Learning Center, for troubled youth was created.

Despair and death surrounds us. How do we go on without blinding ourselves to what is happening?

I ask my God for hope. My God reminds me of the hope of the people of Venezuela as they create a bottom-up government. My God reminds me of the rich soil, a result of the waste we hauled to a compost pile last summer, that today we moved to the DMZ garden.

My God reminds me of the kindness shown my family and myself in troubled times. My God reminds me of the blessing I have found in the poor and marginalized.

God reminds me of persons like Richard Oulahin who gave his life for those in need. God reminds me of persons like Franz Jagerstatter who gave up his family and his life rather than cooperate with an unjust war.

God reminds me of friends and family. God reminds me of the garden where waste, with the aid of a lowly creature, the worm, creates fertile soil.

Why must death always precede life? Why must we suffer and be so tried and tired in order to create?

“The Answer my friend is blowing in the wind, the answer is blowing in the wind.”



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Page last modified on May 13, 2008, at 07:58 AM