From Nonviolent Cow

DiaryOfAWorm: All is Well

Besides resting my sore back today I got a little work in on the home growing power model. My friend Godsil had dug deep into his well of friends and acquaintances and discovered someone interested in a joint venture making worm condos for community gardens. Alex, a friend of my friend Godsil, came over to look at my Worm Condo. He thinks he and his brother can draw up plans to build one and produce some simply for the DMZ and other community gardens that could use them. After he was done looking around here I took him over to the nearby Habitat for Humanity Resale Store on Hawley road. For anyone interested in affordable construction materials, this is a dream place. I was not planning on buying anything but when I saw some paving stones for around my upcoming rain garden in the front yard I could not resist. Alex loaded them in my car and my son, Peter, unloaded them at home. The back gives me a good excuse for not doing any heavy lifting.

The Milwaukee Sewage System sent me an email this week confirming that the plants for the rain garden will be ready for pick up on June 21st. Now I have the rain gutter, rain barrel, lawn and homemade soil for the rain garden. This leaves just some work and the plants. The other day I even found a nice wishing well at the local hardware stone. Some employee builds and sells one a year at the store. This year I got it. I think a Well on Wells St. is fitting. So all is well with the rain garden.

Hopefully my back will be better tomorrow and I can attack with vigor my home model growing power garden and in the afternoon that of the DMZ. All three of us Dawn, Marna and I (Z) have been busy recently, but all is ready for the garden and with some work all will be well.



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