From Nonviolent Cow

DiaryOfAWorm: Rest In Peace

Rachel resting in peace

Today while I was working on the garden, Loren, my son’s friend who lived here for a while and helped me build the Growing Power Box and the Worm Condo, came by with his three-month-old daughter Rachel. My wife was able to get her baby fix for the day, and Peter was able to visit with his good friend. I kept working on the garden, taking time out for pictures of Rachel. In this picture Rachel is peacefully sleeping with the quiet garden in the background. Rachel’s mom and dad have their struggles but she stays calm. This seems like a good image of Memorial Day. Rather than cooking out ribs and brats we should be quietly remembering the soldiers who have fallen in battle. Like Rachel, they rest in peace.

Resting in peace can happen in life as well as afterlife. Working in a garden often to me is resting in peace. Reading a good book or praying for some is resting in peace. Peace is more than the absence of violence, which often mars holidays like Memorial Day. Peace is a flower silently blooming in the sunlight.

Tomorrow I am going to a funeral of a 91-year-old friend who now rests in eternal peace. However, I remember my friend Bill as often resting in peace in this life. His many grandchildren could be racing around him and Bill could be at peace. On good days and bad days I remember him as being a person always with a smile on his face and a depth of kindness in his face. May you, Bill, who rests in peace, smile on us and help all of us to rest in peace.



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