From Nonviolent Cow

DiaryOfAWorm: Tired but Going On

Building a mound DMZ 05/28

Yesterday after building another mound at the DMZ community garden I came home, had dinner and just sat in my easy chair the rest of the evening, watching sports on TV, reading my email on wife’s laptop and finally getting up and going to bed. The last few days I have been extremely physically tired. I seem to go through a similiar rite every spring. I remember once when I was in college in St. Louis, after final exams in philosophy, going to my bed in the Jesuit dorm and just sleeping for a day or so. My body must wear out in spring and need a renewal for the summer months. Fortunately my partners in the DMZ, Marna, Dawn and the neighborhood children, do not have such a serious attacks of tiredness and work goes on in the DMZ. Yesterday we finished our second mound in the garden and today hope to complete the third one. The gardening goes on despite on person’s sleepiness.

The above explains why I am writing this posting Wednesday morning looking out from office though the sunroom into a sunny bring gardening calling me to work and to plant. The view inspires me to wake up, see the light and beauty around me and to move ahead. Thank God for nature in the urban environment that helps some of us tired to go on.



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Page last modified on May 28, 2008, at 11:53 AM