From Nonviolent Cow

DiaryOfAWorm: Time for Change

Where Are the Grape Leaves This Year?
June 10, 2007

I checked the Worm Condo today, and the compost still had not been completely changed into castings by the worms. It takes about eight weeks for the worms to eat most of the compost and make it rich organic fertilizer. The castings should be ready in a few weeks to spread on the garden as fertilizer and to be used to make tea. While waiting for the worms to work their magic in the box I need to sift some of the soil in the worm depository, worm-enriched compost pile, and use that as fertilizer and tea for the plants. I think lack of spring weather (since it has gone from cold to hot very rapidly) has slowed growing down in the garden. Even the grape leaves on the vines along the fence are coming in slowly this year. Usually by now, June, is prime picking time, but this year most of the vines are bare yet. We got the rain we needed the last few days, now maybe the sun can come back for an appearance. The right mix of water, organic fertilizer (castings) and sun is what the garden needs to do well. We cannot control the sun, but can balance the water and the fertilizer. The hot and humid weather made garden work more difficult, but it has to be done to keep the balance. So once again nature teaches how to know what we can change and what we cannot change and how to know the difference.



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