From Nonviolent Cow

DiaryOfAWorm: Why?

The answer my friend
is blowing in the wind

Although we are always trying to learn why, how everything works in nature and life, it is sometimes unexplainable. Why does the war and occupation in Iraq, which is unjustifiable, immoral, and illegal as well as dangerous, go on? Why did my friend need to wait for nearly two hours for the police when her house was being broken into and she called the police, but police were immediately sent out when a woman called about a potential injury after her car was slightly bumped? Why did my digital camera suddenly start to work properly when I was sitting outside of the camera shop today?

George Carlin, the comedian who just died, used to often ask the question why. It has been asked by songwriters like Bob Dylan in the song “Blowing in the Wind.” Sometimes we have an answer for why, but often the answers are unexplainable. In the garden there are a lot of whys, some we can explain and some we cannot. As we grow older we learn that the answer to why does not matter much. It is asking the question that is more important than the answers. Having all the answers is a sign of a controlling person. Having lots of questions is the sign of an open-minded person. Working in the garden is a good way to live with questions. I am not sure of why composted waste turns into rich soil, castings, when it passes through a worm. I am sure there is an answer. But what is important is the information that it is true and the use of this awareness to benefit others and oneself. “The answer my friend is blowing in the wind, the answer is blowing in the wind.” (Bob Dylan)



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Page last modified on June 24, 2008, at 08:55 AM