From Nonviolent Cow

DiaryOfAWorm: Adaptation

When Venezuela purchases 51% of a major corporation it is called socialism and is considered bad.
When the USA purchases 80% of a major corporation is called nationalism and is considered good.

When Democrats create a new regulatory agency it is called big government and is bad.
When Republicans create a new regulatory agency it is called good business and is good.

There are more and more things happening these days that are good or bad depending on the source talking.
There also seems to be more blame than there was before.

When I was a child my Dad took me to stock car races at State Fair Park. I used to feel guilty about wanting to see a car crash make the race more exciting.
Today NASCAR, stock car racing, is a big sport and nobody feels guilty when there is a big accident.

Time or point of view changes what is good or bad or who is to blame or who feels guilty or not. Those who can adapt to times or points of view survive.

Adaptation is at the heart of evolution. Although certain laws of nature and principles remain the same, those creatures that can adapt to change survive.

Last night I saw a four star movie called “Adaptation”. On one hand it is about a screenwriter adapting a book to a screenplay. However, it was really about life and how, like one of the oldest creatures in the universe, the worm, we need to adapt to an ever changing world. But as the movie points out, adaptation also means being true to ourselves and not always worrying about what others may think.



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Page last modified on September 21, 2008, at 04:34 PM