From Nonviolent Cow

DiaryOfAWorm: Preparing to Plant Bulbs -- A Parable

Today while working in the garden preparing the soil to plant flower bulbs this parable came to me.

Preparing for the “kingdom of heaven on earth” is like preparing to plant flower bulbs. In the fall you prepare the soil, cleaning out weeds and tilling the soil. You make some rich soil, with compost and castings to place in the ground around the buried bulb. You purchase the bulbs, perhaps tulips from Holland. When you make everything ready you bury the bulb and put some ground covering on top of ground, like wood chips to keep the soil below warm. You have done everything you need to do to prepare and plant and now all you can do is wait out the cold winter months for the bulbs to take root and flower in the spring. How this all happens you may not know. But you can see, touch and smell the results, a beautiful tulip or another flower. Once the bulb is planted it will continue to rise, be beautiful and die to rise again the next spring. As long as the soil remains good the flower will grow. You can pick the flower and it will still grow back next year. Your preparation and planting the bulb with a little care for the flower is all you need. Nature will do the rest.

A parable is a picture story with a point. If it speaks to you, that is great. If not that is okay too.



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