From Nonviolent Cow

DiaryOfAWorm: Columbus is Good for Worms

Worms All Year Around Home

Today I took my friend Ella and her husband, who needs to carry around a breathing machine, down to the IRS office to sign a form that would release their check from the government. They were told that the IRS office was in the State Office Building. Shortly after I dropped them off they came back to the car and said they were told the IRS office had moved to another building, not the Federal Building, on Wisconsin Avenue. After dropping them off there and finding a parking space but before I could put money in the meter they came back to the car telling me to look at the sign on the door. This IRS office was closed because today was a Federal holiday to celebrate Christopher Columbus. So we will go back tomorrow and try again.

However, all was not lost today. Last week when I took Ella to a store she purchased a bag of bananas. I told her to save me the banana peels since my livestock, worms, have a sweet tooth and really like banana peels. When we got back to their house she gave me the banana peels and when I got home I placed them, with other ones and vegetable and fruit scraps, in my worm depository, outside pile of compost where I keep and grow worms all year around. After burying the food in the hill I covered it with some freshly fallen leaves I got from the street in front of the house. I need to build up the food and carbon source in the hill before it freezes so the worms will be warm and happy, casting and breeding through the winter, under the frozen turf on top of the hill. The worms inside the GP box in the AIR-heated sunroom just need water, since there is plenty of good compost in the box to keep them happy, eating, breeding and casting all winter long.



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Page last modified on October 14, 2008, at 08:32 AM