From Nonviolent Cow

DiaryOfAWorm: Nonviolent Worm Awards

Nonviolent Worm Award

The Nonviolent Worm web site would not be possible without many persons contributing to make this web site a reality. It is good and proper to recognize some of these persons. Here are this year’s winners of the Nonviolent and the Worm Awards.

The Nonviolent Award is for individuals who have been loyal to the principles of creative nonviolence. The winner for 2008 are the people of Casa Maria, the Catholic Worker House of Hospitality community in Milwaukee. Since the 60’s Catholic Workers of Casa Maria have combined the works of mercy with the works of justice. From Mike & Nettie Cullen to Don and Roberta Timmerman to the present community of Lincoln, Neal, Pat and others, Casa Maria has been a leader in bringing the struggle for justice and peace to Milwaukee while at the same time serving those most in need.

The Worm Award is spit between two persons who have contributed greatly to this web site.

One Worm Award is for someone who has made an outstanding contribution to making people aware of the growing power of worms. The winner is Will Allen of Growing Power. Will, as an urban farmer in Milwaukee, working with youth on a 4-H project, became aware of the valuable contribution worms make to the organic growing of food. With this awareness Will developed Growing Power, a non-profit organization that has had influence over gardeners and farmers all over the world. It was from Will and Growing Power that Bob got his inspiration that led to the Growing Power Home Model garden. Will has won many awards and received many honors for his work in Growing Renewable Affordable Food, and this is probably the least. But that is okay, since Will has raised awareness of the dignity of these lowly creatures, worms.

The other Worm Award is for the wiki gnome master who has made this web site and many others possible. The winner is Tegan Dowling of Emergency Digital. Tegan has made the power of the web easily available to many persons by spreading her knowledge of the wiki with others, who in turn have taught others how to use the wiki for web sites. With Bill Sell and James Godsil she is the co-founder of Milwaukee Renaissance, and one of the persons who is responsible for the creation and growth of the web pages. The Nonviolent Worm strongly recommends her services for anyone wanting to create an easy to use web site. She has generously shared her wealth of wiki web knowledge.



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Page last modified on October 28, 2008, at 10:21 AM