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Lost but Found

Did you ever have the feeling of having lost something and found it? The feeling is not so great when you lose something, like eyeglasses or a cell phone, that you should not lose, but find it. However, it is a great feeling when you lose something you did not know you had but found it.

A few weeks ago we received a St. Vincent De Paul call for a home visit to a man and woman with the same last name. We tried various numbers on the contact sheet we were given and were directed to other numbers, but to no avail. We could not contact the persons by phone. It was time to try to mail the person. However, our trip down South came up and we forgot about it. The other day my partner, my wife, remembered and mailed a contact notice to the people.

Today a man called explaining he was the person that had contacted St. Vincent De Paul Society for help. He explained the woman’s name on the list was his daughter who was seriously ill in the hospital. His daughter was a young adult who just recently came back into his life. He was trying to get some household essentials so that when she got out of the hospital he could care for her. We started talking and I shared my experiences with ill family members. We had a long conversation that went way beyond the purpose of the visit, and included him saying what I often have feel, “you just do what you need to do” and do not have much choice in the matter in caring for a family member. His being new at the experience, I offered him some comfort on how caring for a sick person can seem like a curse at times but is full of blessings. After a while I made the appointment to visit him and we offered to pray for each other and our ill family members.

Afterward I felt so good, on having made this call that had seemed lost but was now found, that I had to share my joy. So I called my wife up at work and shared the story with her.

Also today I put some more layers of air on the AIR greenhouse outside, and set up the temperature-reading system. I can now track the temperature in the greenhouse, the temperature outside, the temperature in the sunroom and the temperature in the house. When I went to put the Data Logger in the greenhouse the temperature inside was noticeably warm. That was a good sign since it was only, at the time, about 45 degrees outside. As I lined the greenhouse with bubble wrap, plastic covering and tape I thought of all the hot air from the sun we lose each day. Now maybe I have found a small way, using waste wrap and air, to capture the hot air.

Also tonight I heard about a city out east that pays residents for putting out all their recyclables, paper, cans, glass etc, in a bin to be picked up by a private company. Their recyclable collections have gone up by 10 times since they started this program. The city, the environment, residents and the private company are all are helped by this program to turn waste into money.

So our loss, be it people in need, air or waste, can be found and offer us a treasure.



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