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One Tree of Life

Here is a Pro-Life Litany that, I think, many on both sides of the abortion issue can agree on. It appeared in our Sunday Church bulletin and is based on the teaching of Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount.

Litany of Pro-life

I am more than pro-birth. I am pro-life.
I do not believe in unprovoked wars which kill innocent people. I am pro-life.
I condemn torture. I am pro-life.
I do not believe in the death penalty. I am pro-life.
I believe those we incarcerate must be taught skills so they can re-enter society. I am pro-life.
I work to eliminate racism. I am pro-life.
I do not believe that we should give money to oppressive governments. I am pro-life.
I do not believe our government should train other governments to produce death squads. I am pro-life.
I believe it is wrong to manipulate the voting process. I am pro-life.
I believe that everyone in the world should be able to live in safe and healthy conditions. I am pro-life.
I believe that the social teachings of the Church provide a strong foundation beyond being just pro-birth. I am pro-life.
I am more than pro-birth. I am pro-life.

Written by John and Lois Ahlhauser

On many issues we are more alike than different. “Powers that be” like to stress our differences but, as the ways of the Garden and Gandhi teach us, we are interdependent on each other and we are one.

As Gandhi said, we are all part of the tree of life and the means by which we choose life will determine how we grow together. “The means may be likened to a seed, the end to a tree; and there is just the same inviolable connection between the means and the end as there is between the seed and the tree……..We reap exactly what we sow.” (Hind Swarj or Indian Home Rule by M.K. Gandhi, First Edition 1938.)



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