From Nonviolent Cow

DiaryOfAWorm: Like a Mustard Seed

Mustard Seeds

In the Indian cooking, which has fascinated me as of late, tiny mustard seeds are an essential spice to many dishes. With that in the back of my mind, I decided to write, new and bring back some old, of my Easy Essays written in the style of Peter Maurin, co-founder of the Catholic Worker movement. To start things off here is a new one written tonight.

Bury my soul in the soil, like a mustard seed, not so deep.
Water it and give it light so that it can take root and grow.

Please keep away the noise and other distractions.
Just let me rest in peace.

In the silent soil I will find life from within.
This life will grow deeper and out.

My soul, like a small mustard seed, will grow and grow.
No need to do anything but let it happen.

Just let it be.



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