From Nonviolent Cow

DiaryOfAWorm: Ordinary or Extraordinary Tree

Ordinary Tree

The posting last night had a picture of an extraordinary tree representing Mother Nature. The posting tonight has a picture of an ordinary tree in Milwaukee, shot recently at a prayer vigil for a victim of violence. This ordinary tree struck me because of its V shape. Although it was still winter barren, you know that the tree will soon be full with the leaves of spring. We are now in the time in between winter and full spring. Tonight the temperature is 33 degrees, and in a few days it is expected to be in the sixties.

Daily life is like that, somewhere between the ordinary and extraordinary. Daily life can be seen as a young child discovering new things, or as one hard of heart doing the same old, same old. As spring comes it is easier to see daily life as extraordinary. Flowers are starting to bloom and this old V shaped tree will soon be full of new life. The beauty of nature and this way of living life can also be felt in the colors of the fall. In the cold of winter or the heat of summer it is more difficult to find the extraordinary beauty of ordinary daily life, but it is still there.

Miracles are extraordinary and ordinary life is not. However, as Albert Einstein said: “There are two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is.” Take another look as this ordinary tree on a Milwaukee street. If you look hard enough you can see it is extraordinary.



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Page last modified on April 21, 2009, at 08:18 AM