From Nonviolent Cow

DiaryOfAWorm: Walls

Front Garden Walls

The wall around the front lawn raised garden bed is almost done. Now the growing work begins, covering the contained earth with compost, enriched compost and top soil and planting. My wife is not too excited about having a vegetable garden on the front lawn but as long as it looks good she said okay. Thus I hired a professional to do the wall. He was overwhelmed with work so just got to almost finishing today. Now I need to work within the walls to create a garden.

The front lawn garden will add a new dimension to Growing Renewable Affordable Food (G.R.A.F.) home model system. The walls define the garden area 10’ X 25’, but what grows in the walls will define the garden’s success.

With the trouble and delay building the wall I started to question whether it was worth it. Now that I have the wall and now a chance to prepare the soil and plant, I know it was worth it. The front of the front lawn is the only area of my house that gets sun light all day, so I plan to plant plants that need lots of sun: tomatoes, basil, pepper and certain flowers.

Walls can divide or walls can contain. Walls that divide keep persons and creatures apart. Walls that contain keep persons and creatures together. Walls are limits and limits can expand our creativity. We will keep you informed of the new life within the walls.



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Page last modified on April 29, 2009, at 09:09 AM