From Nonviolent Cow

DiaryOfAWorm: The More You Give the More You Get

The More You Give the More You Get

The picture of the rain garden promised yesterday is above in the trio of pictures introducing the Diary of the Worm. I do not think the picture does the rain garden justice (but what is justice these days?).

The perennial rain garden takes less work than the other gardens around the house but does not give back anything in the way of food. One needs to give the food producing gardens more but, in return, one gets more back in turn of food production. The more work you give a garden the more production you get in return.

This is a natural principle of life, the more you give the more you get, that I have observed before. It certainly works in giving donations to charities. Today I went through the many solicitations for donations I received the last few months. I decided to save one appeal from each organization asking for donations and put all duplicate appeals in front of the shredder to go to compost or, if an envelope had plastic on it, into the wastepaper basked. I noticed the most duplicates came from the non-profit organizations that I gave the most to. The old rule, the more you give the more you get, is certainly known by charities.

Some years ago I noticed that this rule applies to one’s job. I was a Director of Religious Education and Youth Minister for the first time. I worked very hard my first years, establishing some programs and creating some new ones. A colleague at the time told me the job would be easier in the second year since I would be repeating much done in the first year. However, the opposite was true. I had given so much of myself the first year there was so much more to do the second year. I lasted three years getting the religious education and youth ministry programs to good levels before I decided to leave and was replaced by 1 ½ job positions.

Speaking of old rules here is a new rule proposed by Bill Maher, TV host. It is called: New Rule: Not Everything in America has to make a profit. and can be found on the Featured Article page.

Looking on the positive side of the wasted paper, after the paper goes through the shredder and is composted it will be enjoyed by the worms and cast off as black gold. The more you give the worms the more castings you get.



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