From Nonviolent Cow

DiaryOfAWorm: Mother's Love

Mother’s Love

Today was an enjoyable day just doing things kids like to do. The five of us, three grandchildren, their cousin and I, spent the day going to the ‘science store’, a Frozen Custard restaurant, a juggling show at library, a water balloon fight and just hanging around the house. I did a few ‘adult’ things, like drive the car for everyone, cook dinner and check my emails, but for the most part my day was the kid’s day.

Tonight after dinner when my wife was home I was able to get out to the garden and do a few things. Also tonight I witnessed the strong love of a mother of her son and a son of his mother. Cousin William has been staying with our grandchildren the last few weeks and thus did not see his mother for a few weeks. The last few days he has been saying how his mother was going to visit him in Milwaukee and how she misses him. I am sure he misses her so I let him use my cell phone to call her a few times. Late tonight she drove to Milwaukee from Madison with her two younger children and her father to pay a short visit. He was glad to see her and his two young brothers and grandfather as they were to see him.

Inspired by family love I started to go through my pictures of the Graf Family Gathering to put them on Flicker to share with rest of family. Cousin William and his older brothers were part of the family gathering and thus are in many of the pictures.

These examples of family love and concern remind me of the depth of love Jesus, Gandhi, King and others call for when they say “we are all brothers and sisters” in God. If we felt that love of a mother for her son or a son for his mother for everyone there would be no more war or violence.



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Page last modified on August 07, 2009, at 07:43 AM