From Nonviolent Cow

DiaryOfAWorm: Wild Sunflowers

Wild Sunflowers in Rain Garden

When I planted the rain garden last year my wife asked me to limit the size of the perennial wild flowers. She did not want tall plants. So I planted only a few plants like the wild sunflowers, mostly around borders. What did I did not know or expect is that the wild sunflowers spread wildly and grow taller. So now, in the second year of the rain garden, the wild flowers have spread and multiplied. Next year I might have to limit the spread and move some plants to other areas, but for now the wild sunflowers offer a tall array of beauty.

Going out the front door in the morning to get the newspaper, while working on the front lawn or vegetable garden, or just driving in and out of the driveway offers a view of the wild sunflowers, a bit of the beauty of nature.



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Page last modified on August 13, 2009, at 07:42 AM