From Nonviolent Cow

DiaryOfAWorm: Joy of Work

St. Thomas Aquinas at work

My friend Jim Forest, my main supplier of good quotes, sent me a brief one the other day that has been rattling around in my mind ever since. It is from St. Thomas Aquinas and is: “There can be no joy in living without joy in work.”

St Thomas Aquinas was a famous 13th century Dominican philosopher and theologian, and when I think about him and his great intellectual works I usually do not associate the word ‘joy’ with him.

In fact I know a little bit more than most Catholic-raised boys know about St. Thomas Aquinas because the Catholic grade school I attended was named after him. The church and school were closed after the neighborhood turned from a predominately white neighborhood to a predominately African-American neighborhood. The school still stands, but is now a Milwaukee Public grade school for high-achieving youth.

I guess this quote struck me because I look at work as much more than a job for employment. At times,in the past, when I was unemployed I sometimes worked harder than I did when I worked for money. Now that I am so-called ‘retired’ I think I work harder than ever. The difference is that now I choose my work and I choose work that brings me joy.

My work in the garden, helping out other persons, making dinner, working on the computer, organizing the Pilgrimage of Peace 2010 is joyful work. So as I have found more joy in work I find more joy in living, just as good old St. Thomas said.



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