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I wrote an old friend for an update of his remarks a few years ago that wars, like Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan, only end when there is no funding for them and soldiers refuse to fight. I wrote for the update in light of our Congresswoman’s betrayal of her stated opposition to present wars by voting for more funding for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and military support in Pakistan. Also my friend’s alma mater was now teaching war and training military officers from 14 regional colleges and universities on its campus.

He wrote back saying I was pushing my priorities and issues on him and others who have other issues of concern. I wrote back saying not to avoid my request for the update by putting me in some category and dismissing me as pushing my issue on him. I do not feel in competition with anyone on any issue.

Afterward, working in the garden, it occurred to me that he never did define ‘my issue’, and in my response, neither did I. What is the main issue that drives me so, on concerns like holding a congressperson accountable for her vote, or a Catholic school accountable for its teaching of war and military values over Catholic values? What drives me to work on this home garden of growing power and to do this daily Diary of a Worm? What drives me to say yes to calls from persons in need of a ride or someone to talk to? What is the issue that led me to the Milwaukee 14 action and to speak up when I see injustice?

It occurred to me that my issue was much deeper than the betrayal by our congresswoman on war and peace, Marquette University hosting military departments of war, or any of the above. I have been driven since high school with a deep desire to bridge the gap between belief and word to action and deed. Gandhi said it best when he said: “My Life is my message”, or St. Ignatius of Loyola when he said: “Love ought to show itself in deeds over and above words.” (SE #230)

So when I perceive something I deeply believe in — like the sacredness of creation and life — under attack, I feel compelled to act. If I really love something or someone, like my Catholic education with Jesuits, I must do something to stop its teaching values on campus contrary to its beliefs. When I discovered something like growing power by worms or the power of nonviolence I am driven to act on it, thus this web page,

All this is not to say I am perfect and always practice what I preach. Yes, I am a hypocrite at times and do not live the message I speak. As the poet Robert Bly said: “Man is made to make mistakes.” However, that is not an excuse for not trying my best to make my message my life or to stop loving those who may reject or marginalize me.

Like the worm, I am driven to go on, taking in life, digesting it and casting it off. So this is my issue, living life to the fullest and making my life my message. So yes, I do promote my issue on others because I believe that as the poster, another friend gave me today, says: “Let’s work Together” and “Make A Difference.” Working together we are growing power and exploring the power of nonviolence together we can make a difference. This is my issue. Is it yours?



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