From Nonviolent Cow

DiaryOfAWorm: Fall Cleaning

Spring cleaning is when we clean the house. Fall cleaning is when we clean the outside. There are leaves to rakes, plants to cut down, things outside to be put away in the house or garage. In spring cleaning in the house we usually throw things out, like unused furniture and clothing, to garbage. In fall cleaning, we usually throw things in, like leaves and dead plants, to the compost pile. Much of the garbage in the spring cleaning goes to landfills. Most of the waste in fall cleaning goes to the compost pile to be recycled into more soil for spring.

Spring cleaning is done when the days are becoming longer and fall cleaning when the days are becoming shorter. We need to do both to keep out house and outside clean.

Today I was able to get outside for some fall cleaning. Hopefully the fall weather we are just now experiencing will stay for awhile so we can get outside and clean some more.

Due to a late fall, with leaves just now starting to fall in earnest, the salmon fishing season is just beginning. One of my son’s friends called today and said the salmon are running up the Milwaukee River from Lake Michigan. The large salmon from the Pacific can grow in the fresh waters of the Great Lakes but not breed. So after they grow to full size and are ready to breed and die, they come up the river to where they were let go as babies to grow. The Department of Natural Resources breeds them in fish hatches and we, lovers of catching large, good tasting fish, catch them while they are fresh and before they die. If I catch salmon tomorrow, after cleaning, I will take them to be smoked.

Here is a good example of a fall cleaning turning into a delicious meal.



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Page last modified on October 17, 2009, at 04:35 AM