From Nonviolent Cow

DiaryOfAWorm: Time To Hibernate

GP Box 11/14/09

I am not sure what is the first day of winter, but decided that, for the home model growing power gardens, today was the day. It is time to hibernate.

All is ready outside for the winter months. In fact I needed to add some water today to the compost pile full of worms, the worm depository. With all this mild weather and lack of precipitation this compost pile full of worms was starting to heat. up. Worms do not like it too cold or too hot. And with no real cold weather and no rain or snow the pile was getting too hot.

I worked some today on the sun room, the winter growing power home model garden. I did not get that solar roof top box I was hoping for on the roof this year, but with the mild weather, sun, and five-pane window inserts, the small radiator heater should be enough this winter. The salad greens in the growing power box are starting to grow. The basil and sage brought in from outside are growing and ready to harvest once again. Now I need to do some planting on the lower shelf, where the water drains from the box; in the planters hanging from the ceiling; planters on a shelving unit; in the small green house I brought in from outside. As I plant more the space will hold its heat more. The sun room may be small, but with intensive growing power methods and using vertical and horizontal space, there is much more growing to do for the winter months.

I wish the fall would flow right into spring but in Wisconsin we cannot avoid winter. Instead of the outside gardens, the sun room garden spot will need to be my place of green refuge for the winter months. Like the squirrels still chasing around the yard getting ready to hibernate I need to prepare the sun room for growing in the winter. With enough sun there might be enough heat and light in the sun room for me to hibernate on some of those long winter days.



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Page last modified on November 17, 2009, at 08:59 AM