From Nonviolent Cow

DiaryOfAWorm: Soft Touch

Tonight, in this day of snow, a young man came to my door offering to shovel my front sidewalk and walkway. I did not really need it done, but when he mentioned how he needed the work and had been met by rejection, I was a soft touch and said okay.

When a beggar on the street asks me for money I usually give it him or her. When a friend asks for a ride I say yes if I can. I realize that sometimes saying yes and being a soft touch is not the best thing to do, but I’d rather error on the side of trust than fear.

Being a ‘soft touch’ is not such a bad thing. Maybe someday I will need someone to be a ‘soft touch’ to me.

When I asked my congresswoman why she voted now for so much military spending while before, under an Republican administration, she did not, she said it was fear of terrorism. In an unknown situation being tough and hard is frequently out of fear while being a soft touch is frequently out of compassion and vulnerability.

Being a hard nose or soft touch is our choice.



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