From Nonviolent Cow

DiaryOfAWorm: Essential Values

Philip Berrigan

I drove a friend this morning to the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee to turn in a paper to her professor and take a brief exam. Waiting for her in the student union I read three papers she had written for her classes. One was about Dorothy Day, co-founder of Catholic Worker; one was about Philip Berrigan, a person who inspired many of us in our resistance to militarism in society; the third paper was a basic understanding of the faith of Islam. There was not a lot of new information in the three papers but the simple, clear and straight forward way the subjects were presented impressed me and help me to find a connection between all three subjects I had not made before.

I realized how these two persons in history and the faith of Islam were driven in part by the same value: to stand with the oppressed, by the grace of God, against the powerful and mighty of this world. For Philip Berrigan and Dorothy Day, who lived in the same time period, this stand meant similar and different things. For Muslims it has meant different things over the centuries. However, the essence of the commitment of all three is to be with the lowest and marginalized, and to struggle with them in a spirit of love and generosity.

Thanks to my friend, who by asking me for a ride helped me realize a little more deeply one of the essential values of life.


Bob Graf — 26 January 2010, 08:02

to bob graf: As you know we are in a continued storied dilemma of our past cold war philosophies as we have inherited them in the twenty first century. It appears that we are under a kind of an eclipse, hovering our country. Yet Obama can still be recognized starting negotiating processes. The next four years may be a more well established, when once missing, foreign diplomacy because of these current negotiations throughout the world. This remains the hope. In most peace activist surroundings, skepticisms can be painful and hopeless. This will not be something to adhere to. I’m happy that my wife is of service but I also believe in direct, local hopeful action along with the mission you have already encountered and have sustained these past forty five years and more. Thank you and please keep hope alive. Brian Hey


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