From Nonviolent Cow

DiaryOfAWorm: Nuts Are Affordable

Cashew Fruits and Nuts

Today I did start writing out my notes about my recent journey to El Salvador. Perhaps inspired by this beginning, I created a special pasta/vegetable dish tonight that was unique, healthy, affordable and tasted good. I say inspired by El Salvador because in that country, due to the warm sunny climate and plenty of water, almost everything grows.

One of the co-operative communities we visited produces organic cashews. Cashews are a labor intensive item to grow. Cashew nuts grow out of the bottom ends of large fruit on a tree. After the nut is removed from the fruit, taken out of the shell, dried and roasted, only a small cashew nut remains. I will describe the process in more detail and how the whole fruit and shell are used in my reflections, but note it now because of all the work it takes to produce cashews. After the community takes what it needs, the rest are sold to countries in Europe that appreciate these organic ‘fair trade’ cashews.

The good part about this experience was that we were able to purchase these cashews at a low price and bring them home. These nuts are renewable, healthy and affordable.



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