From Nonviolent Cow

DiaryOfAWorm: Time In Between

Tomb of Jesus, inside
the Church of the Holy
Sepulchre, Jerusalem.

The time is near. Some seeds are planted and we wait for them to rise. Some seeds need to be planted, suffer a death, in order to grow. Some seeds, especially early spring flowers, are up and blooming. Spring is here and summer is near.

This is the time in between. Yesterday we celebrated Good Friday, the death of Jesus, and tomorrow we celebrate Easter Sunday, the resurrection from the dead of Jesus.

This is the time to wait. People make false accusations and misrepresent truths but rather than react we wait to respond. Poor and blessed persons know how to wait.

This is the time to begin anew. The dead of winter is past and spring is happening.

Most of life is spent in waiting, in between dying and rising, near but not quite there.

Quite often this week I have said I will do something starting Monday, after Easter Sunday. Certainly I will not do all I have said I will do, but it is necessary sometimes to live in Holy Saturday, feeling the death and waiting for the resurrection. If we can find peace and joy in this time in between, we can find peace and joy anytime.



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