From Nonviolent Cow

DiaryOfAWorm: Sun & Water, Tomatoes & Basil

Basil and Tomatoes

With the recent hot, humid and rain weather the tomato and basil plants in the front yard garden are flourishing. In fact, I picked some basil today. Both these plants like it hot and wet. Some cool dry weather is coming but the good growing of these two plants should continue.

The tomato crop of past years at this house was not as good as expected. No matter where I planted the tomatoes in the backyard garden, and no matter the quality of the soil, they never seem to do well. I suspected it was a lack of sun, since all spots in the backyard get sun part of the day. A big tree behind my yard is the main sun blocker.

Last year when I planted the tomatoes in the front yard the crop was better, although I was late, due to construction of the raised bed. Now with an early and good start and with good sun the crop is promising. Some plants just need direct sun and good water to be bountiful.

Some of us humans, even in down times, need good light and watering, to flourish. Sun and water are just essential to growing, be it basil and tomatoes or persons.



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Page last modified on June 30, 2010, at 08:12 AM