From Nonviolent Cow

DiaryOfAWorm: Good, Better and Best

American Players in Spring
Green, Wisconsin

Taking in Shakespeare with my wife in Spring Green, I met an old friend, someone I had not seen for awhile. He was there with his wife. We shared retirement doings and adventures. Going to Church on Sunday in the Spring Green area we met our former associate pastor priest, someone we had not seen for fifteen years. These old friends were of similar age to my wife and me, and it was comfortable talking with them.

Yesterday I took my three grandchildren and one of their cousins, ages 6–12 to America’s Largest Water Park, Noah’s Ark. Being with these four children I was comfortable but did feel my age. Like all children of their age they seem to have one speed, high. I guess with age comes other speeds, like slow.

The last four days were a good break from the “same old, same old” but I am glad to get back home to my garden, driving ministry and making trouble on social issues.

A change of pace is good, be it to slow down or speed up. However, when I returned home, to my normal pace and familiar ways, it was better. After good and better comes best, but probably I will need a lot more good to turn better into best.



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