From Nonviolent Cow

DiaryOfAWorm: Banning Slaughter

Lady Gaga at MTV Awards

I heard and saw on the news that Lady Gaga, in her consistent attempt to be outrageous, wore a dress that looked like it was made of meat to the MTV music awards.

Tonight on the news I heard that the spending on the gubernatorial race in Wisconsin by the two candidates may top 50 million dollars, an outrageous amount.

The people killed by warfare, bombing, guns, missiles and drones, in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan is outrageous.

The corporate greed that has brought our great nation down is outrageous.

The article on Banning Slaughter by Kathy Kelly in the Featured Article section should cause outrage within all of us. In Teaching War and spending more money on war we are contributing to the slaughter of human beings. This is outrageous.



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Page last modified on September 16, 2010, at 11:04 AM