From Nonviolent Cow

DiaryOfAWorm: Mother Nature Does Not Discriminate

My friend Annie, as I was driving her to a Doctor’s appointment today, told me that today was the beginning of fall. That was interesting since it was cool yesterday and very warm today. Perhaps Mother Nature did not get word yet of the change of season.

When I got home I observed that the front yard garden, although dying, was beautiful and full of color. I meant to take a picture but forgot before it got dark, earlier and earlier now that fall begins.

The struggle to keep up the full court for basketball at a neighborhood county park took a blow today as all the rims were taken town. A small group of neighbors, without consulting the young men who play basketball in the park had decided to take down only one rim so there could be no more full court basketball playing. But now the “powers that be”, whoever they are, decided to take down all the rims and discriminate against not only the young men playing full court basketball but all the neighbors and children that use the park to play and watch basketball.

As I have mentioned in an earlier posting, since the death of my son and best friend who suffered from the stigma of an illness I have become very sensitive about any form of discrimination, be it to young men or woman, persons of certain races and sexual orientation or persons with brain illnesses. Discrimination breeds war, violence and poverty.

Mother Nature does not discriminate. The sun shines on the rich and poor and a storm knows of no race or gender.



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