From Nonviolent Cow

DiaryOfAWorm: Women and a Cell Phone

Ella’s Patch Quilts

From 9 this morning till 4 this afternoon I was on the go, taking a friend to two Doctors’ appointments, attending two prayer vigils for homicide victims, going to a doctor’s appointment of my own, picking up an ironing board for my friend Ella, and taking it to a MPS school where she will start teaching how to make patch quilts tomorrow.

I like to connect and integrate my life, so when I got home I started to think about the events of the day and what they had in common. First I thought it was women, since women were involved in each event. My ill friend, my doctor, Ella and Sister Rose who coordinates the prayer vigils are all women.

Than it struck me that even more significantly what each event had in common was the technology of my cell phone. I use my cell phone to schedule all my events, even putting on it the addresses of the prayer vigils and reminder rings before all event. My friend Ella called me on the cell phone about picking up the ironing board originally and happened to call me when I was in the store looking at one to purchase for her.

So was it women or my cell phone that tied together these diverse events. Naturally I would rather it be the women, but must live with it fact that it may be the technology of the cell phone. Or maybe it was both, women and a cell phone.



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