From Nonviolent Cow

DiaryOfAWorm: Touch of Guilt

Today was a beautiful sunny fall day and my brother and I were fortunate to be able to attend the Green Bay Packer football game. Sadly the Packers lost in overtime.

I have been to Green Packer football games before, about once a year, using my son and daughter in law’s tickets, but for the first time today the violence of the game struck me. Perhaps it was because the Green Bay team has had so many injuries this year or maybe it was hearing about a college football player being paralyzed yesterday. I enjoyed watching the game but must admit it is a violent game.

This reaction to the game today reminds how I felt when I was a kid and on an occasional Thursday night my father took me to watch stock car races at State Fair Park. I enjoyed the races and felt it was more exciting when there was a crash. Of course I did not want to see anyone injured so I found myself looking for a crash with a touch of guilt.

As an adult I do not have the passion my dad had for racing but do enjoy football. All the hits, tackles and crashes of players on one another add to my enjoyment.

Walking out of the game today after the close loss in overtime, I heard some fans expressing their anger and frustration by using violent words. Violent play can lead to violent words. I will keep watching football but, like watching stock car races, there now will be a touch of guilt.



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