From Nonviolent Cow

DiaryOfAWorm: Winter and War

Afghan Children
in Winter and War

Winter brings death to plant life.
War brings death to human life.

Winter we cannot avoid.
War we can avoid.

Following winter is spring.
Following war is more war.

Winter has more darkness.
War has more death.

The snows of winter bring water to the earth.
The bombs of war bring destruction to the earth.

We all can survive a major winter.
We all cannot survive a major war.

Winter brings sadness to some.
War brings sorrow to many.

Winter is sustainable
War is non-sustainable.

Winter can be beautiful.
War is Hell.


Dave Kruschke — 07 January 2011, 10:19

Since I no longer live in The Far North, I’ve come to view Winter a little differently. I will borrow from “Winter and War” from above to explain.

Winter brings death to plant life, flies and mosquitos,
Unless they are sheltered in an inside growing area.

Winter we cannot avoid,
But we can make it far less uncomfortable.

Following Winter is Spring,
This we hope for.

Winter has more darkness,
But much less so if one lives in the South.

The snows of winter bring water to the earth,
As do the rains - one inch rain ~ 8″-12″ snow.

We all can survive a major winter,
If we are prepared.

Winter brings sadness to some,
And a little happiness to others.

Winter is sustainable,
Thanks to technology, manufacturing & warehousing.

Winter can be beautiful,
For those that are prepared…


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Page last modified on January 07, 2011, at 11:19 AM