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100,000 at rally today

After hearing Amy Goodman of Democracy Now talk last night I was ready to join the expected 100, 000 persons in Madison, Wisconsin, the State capitol, to protest the Governor’s attempt to weaken collective bargaining for selective state unions , ones that did not support him in the election. However, I remember that I had promised to drive a friend this afternoon to visit his mother who has a severe Alzheimer and lives in a care center in Oak Creek. Since works of mercy have priority over works of protest I drove him and glad I did.

When I got home I searched the TV set for news of the major rally in Madison. I could not find anything on the local TV stations and on the national stations just a little, mostly about rallies in cities around the country supporting Wisconsin workers. I thought for sure that on local and national TV at 5pm and 5:30pm that this major rally would be big news. It was mentioned but there was not much. One national news persons did mention something about 70,000–100,000 persons at the rally in Madison today. But this minor mention was drowned out by the great number of ads on TV that conservative groups are running blaming the workers for losing their jobs and never mentioning the key issue of collective bargaining.

Of course tonight I was able to find out in the Internet that, despite the cold and snow around, 100,000 persons showed up to support the state unions. I was able to find on the AFL-CIO blog video of the 100,000 persons that braved the cold and snow today to stand up for human rights. In fact to find this picture from the Wisconsin rally today I had to go to a newspaper in Kansas. It is believe to be the largest protest in Madison since the Vietnam protest of the 60’s.

Doing on work of mercy was my excuse for not being present today in Madison. The media was present but what is their excuse for not covering it as they do other major events?



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