From Nonviolent Cow

DiaryOfAWorm: Loaves and Fishes Part 2

In Loaves and Fishes Part 1 I told one story I learned at Tabgha, where it is said Jesus multiplied five loaves and two fish to feed 5000 plus persons. (Mark 6:30-46) The story was about why there are only four not five loaves of bread in the mosaic that was discovered carved into the floor of the Church.

Tonight I will tell the story that is told why there were “twelve full baskets of the broken pieces, and also of the fish” after “all ate and were satisfied”. I could not understand why Jesus left so many leftovers to his miracle. It seemed like a waste.

The story us told us at Tabgha and written in stone on the walls of tablets outside the church goes something like this. In the time of Jesus traveling was done on foot and on dusty dirt roads. There were no roadside stops on the roads. So when people traveled a distance from home they carried around their neck a leather pouch with dried fish and bread as a precautionary measure.

When the large crowd that had followed Jesus to this ‘desolate place’ Jesus’ apostles told him it was late and to send them home or to nearby villages.

When Jesus told them to feed the people there all the apostles could come up with his five loaves of bread and two fish. Jesus blessed the food and told his apostles to distribute them among the people. The five loaves and two fish were enough to feed everyone.

The story goes that when the people saw Jesus and his apostles sharing what little they had with them they opened their leather bags and served the bread and fish they had brought for the road. Seeing Jesus and his disciples share their bread they did likewise. Thus, the 12 baskets of leftovers.

The quote and drawing on the left are from Don Richards, the husband of Dee Richards who shared his and her love with us all at her memorial liturgy, “breaking of the bread” yesterday. “Love is a basket with five loaves and two fish.”



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