From Nonviolent Cow

DiaryOfAWorm: It Does Not Get Much Better Than This!

Good conversation tonight

Tonight a group of us, young and old, male and female, Catholic Worker and not, enjoyed an excellent talk about the life of Dorothy Day, co-founder of Catholic Worker by Jim Forest, an enjoyable meal of Lebanese/Indian food at our house and than a good group conversation. As the commercial says: “It does not get much better than this.”

In the Gospel Jesus spends a lot of time eating with all sorts of persons. He also spends a lot of time in the three years of his ministry with his disciples, young and old, male and female establishing relationships that would bring the good news to the world after he died. Without the relationships he had built his message would not have got out and his ‘good news’, despite the resurrection, might have been lost in his shameful death.

In the conversation we talked a lot about ‘conscience’ something important in the life of Dorothy Day. See Priority of Conscience. We talked about doing something, not because of results, but it is the right thing to do. See Thomas Merton on Results.

But at the end it was the relationships we had with each other, from past or present times and the sharing of good food and conversation that was important. “It does not get much better than this.”



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