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Last night there was no posting on the Diary of the Worm because I got home late from my daughter-in-laws birthday party up north. Besides being late we were stuffed with food, making it even harder to write. They say too rich a soil can hinder growth and too much eating can hinder writing.

Standing around a campfire last night with a group of younger adults, between 35 and 45 years, at my son’s place, I began to experience the generation gap between them and persons like myself in the generation of their parents. But when the children were present, like my six year old granddaughter and her six year old cousin, there was no generation gap.

This observation fits in well with theory and observation I made some years ago: I get along with children, elderly persons, poor and sick persons. It is the rest of the people, normal adults, that I have a problem with.

Now I am improving relationships with the majority of normal persons. This is good since most people with power in our society are with this group. On the other hand the children, sick, elderly and poor, the powerless have power





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