From Nonviolent Cow

DiaryOfAWorm: Peace Is Blowing in the Wind

Many words like ‘love’ or ‘peace’ can be overused and loose some of their meaning. I used to close my emails with ‘peace’ but seldom do now. Everyone uses the word ‘peace’ even people who believe war and violence makes ‘peace.’

On a war protest a while back I noticed a big rainbow colored peace flag. I liked it and ordered one. Now it is on our flag pole in the front of the house. With all the winds we are getting these days I noticed that waving rainbow flag gets more noticed and puts more meaning back in the word on the flag ‘peace’.

Now when I see a major demonstration here or in the Middle East I look for this flag blowing in the wind and often find it.

The word ‘peace’ might have lost some of its meaning in talk or writing but when it is on a large rainbow flag blowing in the wind it takes on more strength. Where is peace? Peace is blowing in the wind.



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