From Nonviolent Cow

DiaryOfAWorm: Daylilies Are Back

Today’s Daylily

Today I saw my first Daylily of the season. I decided to take a picture since this perennial plant last in full bloom for about 24 hours. Other ones will appear tomorrow and the next number of days but this one has a full life of about a day. You need to enjoy them when they are there. They come in many colors and come back year after year.

When I lose perspective on my life I need to think of daylilies. In the bigger picture of life what seems so important to us in the moment is only a speck of time in our life. Our whole life on earth is but a tiny speck of time in the history of the world.

The lesson of the garden learned from daylilies is to enjoy the beauty of the moment. If we live in the past or in the future we will not see or hear the beauty of the presence. Daylilies come back for a day each year, perhaps to remind us to live in the present.



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