From Nonviolent Cow

DiaryOfAWorm: The Least Objectionable!

Impatients Doing Their Best

Have you had the experience of sitting down to watch TV with no particular program in mind? You check the various TV channels and not finding anything of keen interest watch the ‘least objectionable’ program.

Perhaps that is a way just to relax but it is no way to run a government. However, that is exactly what happened with the budget deficit bill. After weeks of negotiating but not compromising the congress passed the ‘least objectionable’ budget deficit bill to avoid a disastrous default by the government. Neither party, nor conservatives or liberals were happy with the bill. By taking the least objectionable out congress punted the problem of the growing debt to the future. Congresspersons voted for or against the bill did not like the bill and three congresspersons, including the representative of this area, Gwen Moore, voted ‘Not Voting.’ She could not even decide if voting yes or no was the least objectionable.

Gardens, be it a rain garden or vegetable garden are not created by taking the ‘least objectionable’ approach. They are intended, planned and carefully worked. The seeds are planted, cared for and thus they bear fruit or flowers. If Congress persons took the same care as a home gardener does toward his or her plants the government would grow and bear fruit and flower.

The opposite, in my opinion, of ‘least objectionable’ is doing ‘the best we can do’. I took a lot of pictures today of the front gardens, rain and vegetable under normal light and a red night sky. However, the picture I choose for this posting is one of impatiens in front of the house. They are doing the best they can do rather than the ‘least objectionable’.



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