From Nonviolent Cow

DiaryOfAWorm: Gardening as a Risk

Front yard today

I like working outside in the front yard gardens, rain, flower and vegetable gardens at the time of a Brewers baseball game. As people park their car on our street to walk to the ballpark they pass my front gardens. Often they compliment me on the gardens. Where everyone on my side of the block has grass in the front year I have flowers, perennial and annual of all types, vegetables like tomatoes, eggplant and herbs like basil growing in the front yard.

Perhaps the contrast of front yards is best represented in my rainbow flag up right now saying ‘peace’ and my neighbor’s American flag. My yard produces flowers and vegetables which seem, at least to me, more beautiful and useful than grass.

Doing a rain garden and raised vegetable garden in the front yard was a risk. But now that it is done, even skeptics like my dear wife, seem to agree that it is an improvement.

When I started this web page, originally now called my idea was to connect home gardening with nonviolence.

Home gardening, like being nonviolent, is a risk worth taking



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Page last modified on September 08, 2011, at 09:21 PM