From Nonviolent Cow

DiaryOfAWorm: Monkey Business

Seeing my wife grow weaker with her inflammatory muscle disease, reading about the suffering and suppression of the people of Haiti, hearing of more Killer Drone attacks ordered by the White House, seeing friends being silent and ignoring the ‘war at home’, teaching at a Catholic University how to “kill or be killed’ can be enough to get me down.

So I look for things that will raise my spirits. Here are a few from today.
My son and his wife sent me a copy of the blog called Monkey business, the class blog of my second grade granddaughter Carolee. It will brings a smile to your face and shows how creativity is still key to teaching and learning.

Between doing laundry and running some household errant I got a chance today to work in the garden by sifting through worm compost to gather castings. These valuable castings, worm poop make for powerful and organic fertilizer.

As I was preparing dinner tonight our house guest, a young woman raised in Sierra Leone, offered to help me by chopping vegetables. She also is a good cook and has recently blessed us with some African style meals.

It is often the little things like the Monkey Business of 2nd graders, sifting worm castings or help preparing a meal that keeps us going in this crazy world. We all need some monkey business in our lives.


Kellsie — 24 January 2012, 15:44

Way to go on this essay, helepd a ton.

znbpiqunipz — 25 January 2012, 13:01

cPOAqS <a href=“”>afsxqxwlhrul</a>

bhfnzlbmxac — 26 January 2012, 12:32

mOOI54 <a href=“”>kyzkwlthwldd</a>


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Page last modified on January 26, 2012, at 12:32 PM