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“It is astonishing how short
a time it takes for very
wonderful things to happen.”
Francis Burnett

Today at the city dump I arrived one minute after 3pm, one minute too late to pick up wood chips for compost. Time matters.

My time in Haiti last week went slow. Perhaps because it was so painful to see a people neglected, rejected and suppressed in their own land. Someone commented that it seemed like we were there a very long time. Time matters.

To change the world we must change ourselves and be like Gandhi said: “Be the Change we want to see”. Making time for change can be difficult but time matters.

We all want to be accepted, be popular and likeable. But at times that cannot be and rejection is the way to be true to self and beliefs. Time matters.

We want results for our actions but often there are no results to be found. Yet as time continues without results we must take the time to be persistent. Persistence and Time matter.

Yet in each moment of time there is a sense of timelessness. In the silence of moment we find timelessness. I once heard a great musician say that it was the use of silence between the words and notes that made great music.

Time matters and we must live in time but it is the moments of timelessness that really matter.



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