From Nonviolent Cow

DiaryOfAWorm: Free To Be

Lapham Peak park

Amidst a busy weekend of sports viewing,(Badgers and Packers Win and Brewers Lose), Pat and I managed to take a brief walk today in nearby Lapham Peak Glacier Park. Fall has fallen more than I thought. Many trees were bare already. We had to walk slowly due to Pat’s muscle disease but slow is good when one wants to observe and see the beauty around them. Nature in this park is free to be.

Tonight watching the Brewer’s baseball team lose the final game of the National Championship game, I put the rest of my pictures of Haiti on Flicker. In these Images of Haiti you can learn much about the state of this country now. Eventually I will add words, stories, to each picture but for now the pictures speak for themselves of the condition today of Port au Prince and Haiti. I put the first article on the web page Haiti Returning to Slavery or Freedom, an article by Bill Quigley, a member of our delegation, asking the obvious questions that comes from seeing these images: “Where is the Money?”

As fall fades into the cold of winter, the people of Haiti sweat in the heat and rubble of this land. How can we treat our brothers and sisters like we do? We need to slow down, stop doing and listen to the people of Haiti. There is beauty and blessings in Haiti if we can just allow the people, like the trees in Lapham Peak, be free to be.



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