From Nonviolent Cow

DiaryOfAWorm: Facing Death In Living

Haitian man suffering from
cholera seeks help on the streets

Word came tonight that Father Dean Brackley S.J. died in El Salvador. He died at 65 from cancer. I had the privilege of meeting him when he was at Marquette University for a semester. Right after the six Jesuits, their housekeeper and her daughter were killed in El Salvador by School of Americas (SOA) trained soldiers he volunteered to go the Central America University in San Salvador. He kept the memory and message of the Jesuit Martyrs alive.

One of the organizers of our delegation to Haiti sent us today from Venezuela her reflections on our experience. Tomorrow I will put it on the web page Haiti, Return to Slavery of Freedom. She, like many of us, felt the deep sense of death in Haiti.

Tomorrow we have a bi-weekly Faith Sharing gathering. Our hour of sharing was inspired by three persons who founded or participated in the group that now have died. Tomorrow the spouses of all three plan to be present.

As I was working in the gardens today I saw many signs of death in nature, in the dying of the plants to the falling of leaves.

Death is something that I did not feel for many years. After the death of my son I was faced with a sense of death. Death is hard to face but when faced loses its fear and gives us a better appreciation of life. In facing death we can live life more fully.



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Page last modified on October 18, 2011, at 01:40 AM